Data Science

My Data Science Journey

Comparison Between PCA and SVD

Unsupervised Learning Method (3)

LSTM Input and Output

LSTM Note (1)

Confusion Matrix Deep Dive

Binary Classification Evaluation

Attention Model

LSTM Note (1)

Linear Regression Review

Regression Model (1)

XGBoost (2)

Ensemble Model (4)

XGBoost (1)

Ensemble Model (4)

MCMC Application with Bayesian Inference

MCMC Review (4)

Gibbs Sampling

MCMC Review (3)

Metropolis-Hastings Sampling

MCMC Review (2)

Monte Carlo Method and Markov Chain

MCMC Review (1)

Recurrent Neural Networks (Including LSTM and GRU)

Neural Network Learning notes (5)

Object Detection

CNN Application (3)

Face Verification and Recognition

CNN Application (2)

Neural Style Transfer

CNN Application (1)

Convolution Neural Network

Neural Network Learning notes (4)

How to Improve Neural Networks (2)

Neural Network Learning notes (3)

How to Improve Neural Networks (1)

Neural Network Learning notes (2)

Basic Neural Network Structure

Neural Network Learning notes (1)

Loss Function in ML

Machine Learing Topics (1)

Virtual Environment in Python

Python Usage Tips (1)

Git Learning Notes

Version Control System

Support Vector Machine (2)

Classification Model (4)

Support Vector Machine (1)

Classification Model (4)

Recommendation Engine

How does Amazon recommend items?

Spark Learning Notes (3) - Spark MLlib

Play With Big Data

EM Algorithm

Unsupervised Learning Method (2)

Spark Learning Notes (2) - Spark SQL

Play With Big Data

Gradient Boosting Machine

Ensemble Method (3)

Principal Component Analysis

Unsupervised Learning Method (1)


Ensemble Model (2)