Classification and Regression Tree (CART)

Fan Gong 25/01/2018

This notebook tries to construct the classification and regression tree from scratch. For the dataset, I will create some fake data through using make_regression for regression tree and using the same classification dataset as before using make_classification in sklearn

1. Regression Tree

1.1 Load Library and Generate Data

In [1]:
# Load Library
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import collections
import warnings
import math
In [2]:
# Generate Data
X, y = make_regression(n_samples=1000, n_features=2, n_targets=1, n_informative=2, random_state = 42)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state = 42)

1.2 Model Construction

Here I will generate several functions to simplify this model.


The first one aims to calculate the loss.

Remember the loss function in regression tree is residual sum of squares(RSS): $$\sum_{i:x_i \in R_j}(y_i - \hat{y_{R_j}})^2$$

In [3]:
def get_loss(y):
    This function aims to calculate the rss loss in one region.
    y: A vector contains the dependent value in this region.
    loss: The loss value in this region
    loss = sum((y - np.mean(y))**2)
    return loss


The second function aims to loop through all the value and find the best splitting in that region.

In [4]:
def get_cutpoint(region_x, region_y):
    This function aims to find the optimal predictor and cutpoint to make splitting.
    region_x: All the observation values in that region
    region_y: All the dependent values in that region
    optimal_para: A length 2 list: [predictor's number to split, cutpoint]  
    split = {}
    for i in range(region_x.shape[1]):
        Xi = region_x[:,i] # contains all the values in the ith predictor space
        final_loss = 1000000000 # initialize the loss value
        for cutpoint in Xi:
            # make splitting
            part1 = region_y[Xi < cutpoint]
            part2 = region_y[Xi >= cutpoint]
            # calculate loss in each part and sum them up
            loss = get_loss(part1) + get_loss(part2)
            if loss <= final_loss:
                final_loss = loss
                final_cutpoint = cutpoint
        split[i] = (final_cutpoint, final_loss)
    # based on the optimal value for each predictor, find the cutpoint that leads to minimum loss
    final_i = np.argmin([i[1] for i in split.values()]) # which predictor
    cutpoint = split[final_i][0] # the cutpoint in that predictor space
    loss = split[final_i][1] # the total loss
    return([final_i, cutpoint, loss])


This function aims to choose which region to make splitting and create the stop criteria

In [33]:
def get_region(X, y, stop_n):
    This function aims to perform recursive binary splitting in each region and find which region to split
    X: The training observation matrix
    y: The training label vector
    stop_n: The minimum number of observations that each region could have
    paras: A dictionary contains all the cutpoint information 
    region_info: A dictionary contains all the region splitting information 
    # some initialized values
    regions = [[X, y]]
    paras = {}
    len_old = len(regions)
    len_new = len_old + 1

    while len_old < len_new:
        len_old = len(regions)
        final_loss = 1000000000 # initialize the loss value
        index = 0 
        for region in regions:
            index += 1

            region_x, region_y = region # get the region information
            Xi, cutpoint, loss = get_cutpoint(region_x, region_y) # use get_cutpoint function to find the optimal parameter
            part1_y = region_y[region_x[:,Xi] < cutpoint]
            part1_x = region_x[region_x[:,Xi] < cutpoint,:]
            part2_y = region_y[region_x[:,Xi] >= cutpoint]
            part2_x = region_x[region_x[:,Xi] >= cutpoint,:]

            if loss <= final_loss and len(part1_y) > stop_n and len(part2_y) > stop_n: # do not satisfy the stop criteria

                new_region1 = [part1_x, part1_y] # first new region
                new_region2 = [part2_x, part2_y] # second new region
                Xi_final = Xi # splitting predictor 
                cutpoint_final = cutpoint # splitting cutpoint
                region_index = index-1 # splitting region
                final_loss = loss # update the loss

                print('region {0} has {1} number of obs in part1, {2} in part 2 with loss {3}'.format(index-1, len(part1_y), len(part2_y), final_loss))

            elif all(map(lambda x: x <= stop_n, [len(region[1]) for region in regions])): # if all regions satisfy the stop criteria
            else: # or this region don't satisfy above two criteria, we continue
                #print('region {0} dont reduce loss'.format(index-1))

        if collections.Counter(regions[len(regions)-1][1]) != collections.Counter(new_region2[1]): # Check whether we update our splitting
            paras.setdefault(Xi_final,[]).append(cutpoint_final) # record our cutting parameters
            del(regions[region_index]) # delete the splitting region
            regions.extend((new_region1, new_region2)) # replace by two new sub-regions

        len_new = len(regions)

In [34]:
get_region(X_test, y_test, 10)
region 0 has 72 number of obs in part1, 128 in part 2 with loss 125749.1232307133
region 0 has 22 number of obs in part1, 50 in part 2 with loss 16942.863805378685
region 0 has 91 number of obs in part1, 37 in part 2 with loss 24871.894640384115
region 2 has 21 number of obs in part1, 29 in part 2 with loss 1528.165509574806
region 0 has 91 number of obs in part1, 37 in part 2 with loss 24871.894640384115
region 3 has 45 number of obs in part1, 46 in part 2 with loss 5631.836563429359
region 4 has 29 number of obs in part1, 16 in part 2 with loss 981.3400355028435
region 4 has 17 number of obs in part1, 29 in part 2 with loss 2464.556493001831
{0: [0.49245126400814909],
 1: [-0.1671217137864115,

1.3 Model Prediction

In [211]:
def make_prediction(feature_info, y_info, X):
    This function aims to make a prediction based on the region splitting from our training model
    feature_info: The output from the get_region function containing the region range for each feature
    y_info: The output from the get_region function containing the prediction y values.
    X: The test data set
    y: The prediction value
    y = []
    num_feature = X.shape[1]
    for value in X:
        for r in range(len(y_info)):
            logic = []
            for xi in range(num_features):
                if value[xi] > feature_info[num_features*r+xi][0] and value[xi] <= feature_info[num_features*r+xi][1]:
            if all(logic):
In [212]:
y = make_prediction(feature_info, y_info, X_test)